AI 4

Translate Science
Translate Science

Converting research publications into editable transcripts that sit on top of generated audio visual content. This removes scientific jargon and allows scientists to explain their research in a way that patients can understand.

Image of coffee being poured into a glass

Clinical Research Is Just the Starting Point

Clinical Research Is
Just the Starting Point

A huge part of solving the wider healthcare challenge is making science understandable to the wider public, At the moment, we are blocking progress by making science very difficult to understand, One thing that we have been working on is a tool that translates science into easy to understand content with AI.

Image of coffee being poured into a mug

How The Product Works in Detail

How The Product Works
in Detail

Scientists can input their researh idea and we automatically generate a transcript for them that they can edit. This transcript is converted into a 60 second video for which they can adapt the graphics for, Ultimately, this is a platform for them to share their science in a way that people can actually understand,

Image of a computer and keyboard on a desk
Image of a computer and keyboard on a desk

Turn ideas into medicine

Turn ideas into medicine

Turn ideas into medicine